There are a lot of legal matters to clarify when you are starting your own company. A lot of decisions need to be made: from choosing the legal form and the name right up to the design of partnership agreements.
The choice of company name is a decision the importance of which should not be underestimated. A subsequent change to the name, perhaps due to cease and desist orders under competition law, can not only be expensive, but will also confuse your customers. It is therefore important to consider all of the legal requirements, but not to neglect promotional aspects .
GmbH, OHG, Sole Trader or UG (haftungsbeschränkt)? With the legal form finder every founder can quickly and easily find the appropriate legal form.
Depending on the choice of legal form, entries in the Commercial Register may be necessary.
Anyone who has founded a company will conclude a large number of contracts in the course of their business activities. Model contracts can help you get your bearings. However, you must obtain expert advice for specific questions relating to contract law.
The legal advice service of the Chamber of Crafts is available for legal matters when starting up in a skilled trade.